Bridesmaid dresses
abril 11, 2019![]() |
Via: Instagram @everprettycom |
Hola a todos! Me gusta mucho escribir frecuentemente (ya que literalmente el blog esta abandonado) y el post de hoy sin duda va a ser muy interesante. Últimamente las bodas han llamado mi curiosidad,todo lo que tenga que ver con ellas me encanta creo que a la mayoría de las mujeres les pasa lo mismo y si estás enfrentándote a una boda o simplemente te gusta ojear artículos sobre ella sigue leyendo.
Elegir los vestidos,la decoración, la temática,las damas de honor... Es demasiado sobre todo esta última tarea en la cuál debes acordar con tus amigas que colocarse en tu día especial.Hoy les enseño las opciones más acertadas para una boda otoñal,con mi aliado Ever Pretty que tiene los mejores vestidos a el precio más acertado posible. (Vestidos de dama de honor )
Los colores más utilizados en las damas de honor este año es el lila,el morado pálido (Vestidos de dama de honor morados) a tomado por completo el protagonismo dentro de la cortejo de la novia,es súper bonito y estiliza de manera ideal el cuerpo de la señorita.Normalmente se eligen vestidos largos para los cortes nupciales sin embargo apostar por vestidos tipo coctel ayudara muchisimo a destacar a la novia sin perder la elegancia que se requiere en una boda.
Muchas gracias por leer los posts proximamente estare escribiendo otro post en colaboración con Ever-Pretty,esta vez para enfocarnos en vestidos de fiesta y de graduacion especialmente dedicado a las lectoras jóvenes del blog.
Adelanto: Vestidos de graduación
Hello everyone! I really like to write frequently (cause the blog is literally deserted) and today's post will certainly be very interesting. Lately weddings have called my curiosity, everything that has to do with them I love I think most women have the same thing and if you've a wedding soon or just like browsing articles on it continues to read.
Choose the dresses, the decoration, the theme, the bridesmaids...It is too much above all this last task in which you must agree with your friends to tell you how should they wear in your special day. Today I teach you the most successful options for an autumn wedding, with my ally Ever Pretty who has the best dresses at the most successful price possible (Bridesmaid dresses .
The most used colors in the bridesmaids this year is the lilac, the pale purple (Purple bridesmaid dresses) has taken full prominence within the courtship of the bride, is super nice and ideally stylized the body of the girl.Usually long dresses are chosen for bridal cuts however betting on cocktail type dresses will help a lot to highlight the bride without losing the elegance that is required in a wedding.
Thank you very much for reading the posts soon I will be writing another post in collaboration with Ever-Pretty, this time to focus on party dresses and graduation especially dedicated to the young readers of the blog.
Spoiler: Graduation dresses
The most used colors in the bridesmaids this year is the lilac, the pale purple (Purple bridesmaid dresses) has taken full prominence within the courtship of the bride, is super nice and ideally stylized the body of the girl.Usually long dresses are chosen for bridal cuts however betting on cocktail type dresses will help a lot to highlight the bride without losing the elegance that is required in a wedding.
Thank you very much for reading the posts soon I will be writing another post in collaboration with Ever-Pretty, this time to focus on party dresses and graduation especially dedicated to the young readers of the blog.
Spoiler: Graduation dresses
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Via instagram: @everprettycom |
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